Module M.Forst.1600: Forest Management in a Changing Climate
Learning Outcomes & Core Skills
The course imparts knowledge about the sustainable management of forest ecosystems. Based on some fundamentals of forest ecology such as the impact of competitive interactions between trees, options of stand management are presented. Mixed stands and their management are of special importance. The course will provide information on how to analyze forest stands and how to derive appropriate silvicultural treatments in order to achieve the goals set by a given forest owner. Examples from temperate and tropical forest ecosystems will be given. An excursion illustrates the concept of continuous-cover-forestry for multiple uses which is presently the most important approach in Central European silviculture.
2. Management of Tropical and Subtropical Forests (Lecture, 1 WLH)
3. Continous Cover Forestry for Multiple Uses (Excursion, 1 WLH)
Written exam (90 minutes)
Examination requirements: Knowledge of silvicultural measures such as tending, thinning and final harvest systems and understanding how these measures impact ecological and physiological processes (tree competition, biomass partitioning, etc.). Fundamentals of the Close-to-nature forestry approach.
Attendance time: 56 h
Self-study-time: 124 h
General Information
Language: English
Person responsible for module: Prof. Dr. Christian Ammer
Course Frequency: each winter semester
Duration: 1 semester